Ginny Campbell Consulting
"Good leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish."
Sam Walton
Our goal is to make you a more effective leader. This stature is available to anyone if she/he is simply knowledgeable of the rules of the game.
Good leaders don't make excuses or pass the blame. They face mistakes head on and then find a way around them. Truly great leaders inspire others with positive feedback for a task well done. Leaders seek little credit for themselves. They know when to talk and when to listen, and they definitely know how and when to pick their battles.
Great leaders set goals, formulate plans and set the wheels in motion. Great leaders delegate tasks because there is no limit to what a woman can accomplish if she doesn't have to do all the work herself. A great leader maps the road ahead while ignoring those unpleasant bumps in the road of the past. A great leader has fun!